Wednesday, February 03, 2010

It's amazing to me how there is such a horrible stereotype sometimes. As a general rule, I do believe that Christian folk walk the walk and talk the talk. But it's interesting, the minute you have an issue - someone is judgemental, or other wise "un-christian" ... feedback is... oh wow... those Christians are the worst. Where's the disconnect? Do we have expectations that are unrealistic? I would venture to say yes.

Being a christian does not exempt you from fair business practices or otherwise simply because you are "christian." However, I think that the expectation is that because you are christian you are more relatable, understanding and loving through the process.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing you out here! You go, girl!

    Somehow, we expect Christians to be somehow more than human. Better. (Except ourselves, of course.)

    Then, when it turns out we're all just people, we're so disappointed in each other.

    For me, the thing about my Christianity ... well, ONE thing, anyway ... is that it can mean I respond differently when foolishness happens. Even when it's my own foolishness.

    It's not *natural* to respond like that. But it's possible. So moment by moment, that's the task. And when I miss? There's always the next moment.
