Sunday, February 07, 2010

Seven year itch

I officially have the seven year itch... with regards to my house...

I love my house. I always have. It's just the right size for my family and has a whole lot of potential... for someone creative with space who knows how to work a small house. And then there's me. I keep everything. The size 6's from the "I only eat fish and vegetables days"... oh yea... I have those. The dresses from EVERY college formal... yup... I have those too.. ziploc bags full of photos...the list goes on.

I think that you just really never know when you're going to need that stuff again. And what if you sell it, give it away, etc and then you are kicking yourself for getting rid of it. OR.... what if you live in a small house with minimal closet space and every closet is FULL of stuff that you're keeping for a rainy day. Explain to me the delicate balance of what to keep and what to ditch.

It's really fun to drive around and look at new houses... you know.. bigger space ... more closets... that way the size 6s and party gowns have a forever home. Or.... I could put on my big girl panties and ditch everything that doesn't fit.... isn't used... etc... eek. I don't like that idea. I don't even like the idea of selling my sewing machine... that I love so much and haven't used in 6 months but could probably make a nice stash of cash on.

So my house and I are at an impass and February is a month of a lot of visitors. So... if you happen to be visiting me this month.. please respect the fact that if you open a closet... you may be putting yourself at risk.

If you happen to be a home organizer looking for pro-bono work and are interested in really taking on a challenge.. you let me know. I really need some help :)

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